Written regulations


The Decree No.: 02/2003/NĐ-CP of the government on developing and managing markets. download

The Circular No.: 06/2003/TT-BTM of Ministry of Trade regarding to instructions, functions, obligations, powers and organization systems of management boards to markets. download

The Decree No.: 88/2006/NĐ-CP of the government stipulating on business registration download

The Circular: 03/2006/TT-BKH of the Ministry of Planning and Investment guilding certain contents on documents, order and business registration procedures under the Decree No.: 88/2006/NĐ-CP regarding to registration for doing business download

The Prime Minister’s instructions on deploying and carrying out the Ordinance collecting fees and the Decree No.: 57/2002/NĐ-CP of the Government issued on June 03rd, 2002 detailed stipulating on the Ordinance issuance for collecting fees Download

The Decree amends some articles in the Decree No.: 57/2002/ND-CP issued on June 03rd, 2002 detailed stipulating on Ordinance implementation of fees.  Download

The Decision on stipulation of collecting and paying levels, managing and spending fees in HCMC area          Download

Fees - Ordinances Download

The Circular guilding on fees is under the Decision of the provincial people’s council, the city directly under the Central         Download

The Decision on stipulation of collecting and paying level, managing and spending fees in HCMC         Download

The Government’s Decree gives out a detailed stipulation regarding to Ordinance execution of fees    Download

Binh Tay’s regulations of 2003 download

Annex of Binh Tay’s regulations download
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