Binh Tay market Management Board requests business householders not to litter at the public ways...


Binh Tay market’s environmental sanitation for the past years has changed into the positive aspects thanks to the self- sanitation model. Binh Tay market Management Board, however, requests business householders not to litter at the public ways, into the tubs of flowers or around business sites for the better result. Each business households must have plastic bags or garbage – tools at the stall according to item 03, article 8 of the market regulation. Particularly, to households trading in foodstuff, serving in food and drink, garbage tools must be capped.

Self-governing sanitation force shall reach to each stall to collect the garbage bags and transport to them to the garbage gatherring site for four times/ day.

ç  In the morning: 9:00 & 11:00

ç  In the afternoon: 14:00 & 16:00

The executive time starts from April 01st, 2008.

In order to do well the Instruction No.: 13/2007CT-UBND of the City People’s Committee issued on 30/05/2007 regarding to launching the program of the whole people’s action “ for clean streets “. The Decision No.: 147/2007/QĐ-UBNDTP of the City People’s Committee issued on 28/12/2007 and the Plan No.:19/KH-UBND-DVCI of the 06th District People’s Committee issued on 03/07/2008 regarding to establishing a Binh Tay market of “ Civilization – Clean – Safety”. Binh Tay market management Board requests it’s business households to comply with this report strictly. After April 01st, the market’s guarding force shall take an inspectation and shall give a treatment to any breach under Binh Tay market’s regulations.

Yours respectfully,

Giày Đại Phát solution