Step up fire prevent and fight measures at the market and promote traders’ fire fight duties


1.         To secure goods of the market’s traders, step up fire prevent and fight measures at the market and promote traders’ fire fight duties. Binh Tay Management Board wants each trading householder to equip themselves ( 1 ) a fire extinguisher or at least two trading householders with one fire extinguisher at their stall. In order to fire fight on the spot to be taken promptly and effectively according to the 4 on spot - motto in fire fight work:"on spot conductor, on spot man force, on spot fire fighting instruments, on spot logistics".

2.         Time for fire extinguishers equiped:

As of March 27th, 2008 to April 27th, 2008

3.         3. Fire extinguishers specifications:

3.1  Fire extinguishers: 2kg - CO2 fire extinguishers are generally agreed to be equiped ( total weight is 8kg including CO2 and the cover ). Besides this, business households should equip fire extinguishers by themselves, if any one has no time to purchase for himself/herself or no knowledge about the said fire extinguisher, he/she should contact to Binh Tay Market Management Board for an assistance.

3.2  Place for fire extinguishers: If two business households use one fire extinguisher, their stalls No.: should be specified on the cover and the fire extinguisher shall be hung on the wall in the middle of their two stalls, the distance from the ground to the fire extinguisher bottom is 1.2m.

If one business household uses one fire extinguisher, the stall No.: should be also specified on the cover and the fire extinguisher shall be hung at the stall or in front of, the distance from the ground to the fire extinguisher bottom is 1.2m.

Binh Tay market Management Board requests business householdes to comply with the said report’s content for the better fire prevent & fight.

Giày Đại Phát solution